All posts by Steven Rindner

Known for his expertise in real estate investment, Steven Rindner has helped many individuals and various companies to dive into the real estate investment world. Besides writing about real estate investment, Steven uses this blog to raise awareness about the benefits of marathons, improving mental and physical health, and entrepreneurship in general.

Steven Rindner: How to Improve Your Mountain Bike Skills

Steven Rindner on Adding Confidence to Your Shredding

Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve been riding for years, there will be areas of your riding where you feel less confident in your ability. As enthusiasts like Steven Rindner can attest, cornering, jumps, and technical descents are all common weaknesses for mountain bikers.

Rather than accepting these weaknesses as a fact, you can easily work on these flaws with mountain bike skill drills. By developing – rather than tolerating – your mountain bike weaknesses, you will see significant improvements in your riding, which is incredibly rewarding.

Here are some areas you can work on to maximize your ride.


Bikers always say that jumps are for show and corners are for dough. If you want to improve your average speed down the track, the corners are the sections that will really make the difference. For bikers like Steven Rindner, staying off the brakes through the corner for faster exit speed is crucial, and making sure your body position is right with a good setup to look through the corner will help you flow smoothly through every turn.

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Technical downhills

Technical sections are essential to race run success, and some areas will benefit riders of all abilities. Experienced riders like Steven Rindner note that you should mainly focus on knowing the section you are riding— which means riding it numerous times and even walking it to inspect the lines and visualize your ride. If you ride it once and it isn’t easy, don’t just move on, but find out why. You may have chosen a poor line through it, which you can easily avoid next time.


A jumpline is an area of a trail that can cause the most excitement and fear simultaneously. From a tabletop jump to a man-made double, you can come across a wide variety of jumps. For Steven Rindner and most experienced riders, small jumps are not a problem, but large jumps with bigger gaps between take-off and landing will cause avoidance and mental blocks.

Issues typically occur when smaller jumps are cleared with excess speed and poor technique, as this can build confidence to clear larger jumps, where poor technique will, unfortunately, be punished.

Follow this Steven Rindner page. for more tips and essential readings on mountain biking.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Real Estate Business

Real estate managers and agents are driven by attracting more clients. Especially in this digital age, which won’t happen unless they communicate with prospects online.

This quest for new customers should be take place on social media, where over 81 percent of Americans nowadays have established profiles.

One key marketing tip for those in the industry is to maximize their social media presence and create profiles and pages on multiple channels. Being on Facebook and Twitter is insufficient.

To expand their reach, agents must establish their company’s presence on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, etc. The future market should form various demographics and be distributed across social media platforms, not just one.

This is a job that cannot be rushed; two or three platforms can be developed at a time, with content slowly diffused on others.

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Once the page has been established, the strategy must be continually improved. It’s not just about creating hashtags, but asking questions like: what will you post that day? How often?

Who is the target market for a given post? In this sense, creating well-written blog content for a varied audience would help immensely, which you would then link to your social media pages.

Make effective use of visuals. A block of text isn’t as attractive to read without images. You could consider hiring your own professional photographer for great shots of the properties you’re selling.

Again, eye-candy add-ons go a long way in attracting customers. In line with this, go the extra mile and complement your stunning photos with occasional videos, where you can, for example, talk about tips and insights on how to buy homes or how to select the best property based on one’s budget.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into social media, modern technology, and online marketing.  

Starting Line: How to Know if You’re Ready for a Marathon

Getting ready for a marathon takes a long time. You need to craft your body through rigorous exercises, a strict diet, and pushing your limits further and further down the road. Eventually, you will be ready for a half, or even a full marathon. But you might have reservations or doubts about your capabilities, here are some signs that let you know that you are ready for a marathon.

You’re consistent with your training

You’ve become quite comfortable with the idea of running 3 times a week, and your diet no longer bothers you. You look forward to running and making sure you go past your limits. When you’ve reached the level of consistency that allows you to run 30 minutes or more thrice a week for four months, then you are ready for your first marathon.

You are comfortable running in the aerobic zone

Finding the right pace and being comfortable at that pace is key to a marathon. Unlike races of shorter distances, your pace determines whether you can last for an entire marathon. One clever way of knowing if your pace matches the aerobic zone is when you can talk complete sentences comfortably while running. This pace allows you to last longer and puts the least amount of strain on your body.

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Mixing it up becomes second nature to you

During marathon training, you’ll train in different tempos. In a practice run, you’ll do easy runs, long runs, tempo runs, and speed runs. If you can switch from one to another without much burden on your body, you can now focus on the distance of those runs.

Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries. He’s a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and interior design.

Growing a Network for Business

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One of the most important aspects of any business is its network. Building that network takes a lot of skill. It doesn’t take much money to build a business network, however, when done correctly, it could be one of the most effective marketing techniques.

Here are some tips from business experts on growing a network.

· People who are trying to grow their network should be honest and truthful. Other people would naturally trust those who lay it all on the table.

· When trying to build a business network, entrepreneurs shouldn’t join just any group. There are thousands of groups out there. Joining the wrong one is a waste of time. Instead, entrepreneurs should move toward a group of like-minded individuals willing to help each other.

· If people who are building their network join an online group and are asked to hold a position such as a leader, sponsor, or administrator, they should jump at this opportunity. A position in an organization allows people with businesses more access to other individuals. What’s more, there’s an automatic trust that develops for a person in position.

· Amid growing a network, businesses may receive referrals and leads from friends and acquaintances of the company. Follow up on the referral and keep the sources aware. Be appreciative.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and mental health.

What are the Hardest Marathons in the World?

Nothing pushes the limits of a person than a marathon. It takes months of training just to prepare for such an event, and conditions during the race can be brutal. Some people run marathons for the thrill, while others seek to accomplish what very few can do so. Among the many marathons held every year, there are those who are insanely difficult. Here are some of the hardest marathons in the world.

Badwater Ultramarathon

Considered to be the toughest footrace on earth, Badwater is a grueling 135 stretch that passes through Death Valley and is held in the summer. It covers three mountain ranges, which total 14,600 feet of cumulative ascent and 6,100 feet of collective descent. To enter this ultramarathon, runners need to complete the Badwater Salton Sea race, an 81-mile non-stop running that begins below sea level and ends at the top of the Palomar Mountain.

Jungle Ultra

Not everyone can run 142.6 miles on the road. And even less can do so in the Peruvian jungle. The race features some of the harshest racing conditions such as 100 percent humidity, elevation changes of up to 9,000 feet, and about 70 river crossings altogether. However, the race does preview rare sights like indigenous villages, incredible scenery, and wildlife.

Marathon de Sables

Certain elements make specific ultramarathons difficult. For the Marathon des Sables, it’s all about running 156 miles through the Sahara Desert. Racers claim that the event was the equivalent of running five and a half marathons in five to six days, all done in 100-degree heat.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, mental health, and product design. 

The Biggest Marathons in the US

Every year, the number of Americans who participate in marathons continue to grow. For runners looking to take part in the biggest events, the list below would be helpful:

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New York City Marathon

Established 48 years ago, the New York City Marathon runs through the five boroughs of New York City. It is not just the largest marathon in the U.S., it is also the biggest in the entire world. In 2017, 51,307 professional and amateur runners from various parts of the world entered the event. And yearly, approximately 2 million spectators line up at the marathon’s course to watch and cheer the competitors.

Chicago Marathon

The Chicago Marathon is one of the most sought-after events for runners and sponsors because it is a flat and fast course. The race is limited to just 45,000 runners, and in 2017, the number of participants fell just five hundred short of the maximum. More than 1.5 million people watched the event.

Boston Marathon

The most popular marathon in the country, if not the world, the Boston Marathon is also the oldest. The first race was held in 1897 after its organizers were motivated to establish it after the success of the first marathon competition in the Summer Olympics one year prior. This year, 30,000 competitors joined the race.

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Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries. He’s a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and interior design.

Why It Makes Perfect Sense for Leaders to Prioritize Health and Wellness

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There’s a special emphasis on well-being among leaders, and for a good reason: these people who lead businesses and communities are more prone to stress, and the failure of their physical or mental health can also result in a certain breakdown when it comes to their duties and responsibilities.

In summary, a leader’s health and wellness go beyond themselves and affect the organizations they lead.

Leadership is fundamentally all about setting a vision, pushing through with those goals, and taking on major challenges to get the desired results. This way, health becomes of utmost importance.

But it’s not just about the energy and stamina to carry on. Among leaders, wellness also means being of sound mind and body to make decisions, mentor, and train others, and taking the organization into the future. Modeling a health-conscious behavior, too, sends the strong signal that health is of supreme importance, and without it – even amid achievement and success – people would be nothing and are left with nothing but an ailing body.

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This self-care among leaders can be very well demonstrated in the basics. It starts with preparing one’s own food and consuming a healthful, wholesome diet.

Amid a fast-food culture, this is a strong message for people to take time to make their own food. There’s also exercise, getting a good night’s sleep, and cutting down on one’s stress and worries. Through it all, self-love will be another sign that good health is being a priority, not just unavoidable.

Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries. He’s a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and interior design.

How To Make Amazing Virtual Real Estate Tours?

Virtual real estate tours are great for agents or developers who want to show more of their property instead of just having clients look at static photos. However, one does not simply take out their smartphone, open the camera, and press record. A lot goes on when making virtual real estate tours and publishing a video that can put off potential clients should be avoided. Here are some tips on how to make amazing virtual real estate tours.

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First, a virtual tour is different from a video tour. A virtual tour can be a series of videos the viewers can navigate by themselves and is not just one long video detailing the property.

When making the video, make sure your audience isn’t looking for an empty home. Provide proper staging by placing minimalist furniture in the areas that will be filmed. This gives audiences perspectives like how a queen-sized bed would look in the bedroom.

When making the video, opt for bright, consistent lighting throughout the property. It also helps to use natural light from windows to make the room come to life.

Lastly, try to capture point of view angles. This can be a series of shots showing different angles of the same subject. For example, a living room can be shown from the point of view of someone walking into the living room, a person sitting on the couch, and so on.

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Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and interior design.

The Shared Future of Technology and Classroom Education

In the 1980s, schools started offering computer classes in the DOS format. The following decade saw the introduction of windows into the curriculum. The 2000s saw the use of tablets in classrooms everywhere.

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Now more than ever, the future of classroom education seems irrevocably tied to technology. And that is perceived as an advantage. Technology has had a positive impact on the way people go about their everyday lives, not exempting how people study and learn. Technology has paved new worlds both educators and students can explore. But this is just the beginning.

The development of virtual and augmented reality could introduce the possibility of students experiencing simulations of processes and events–-such as atomic reactions or sailing through the eye of a storm—previously thought non-replicable.

Students performing delicate surgical procedures in medical schools will also benefit heavily from technology, as new tools and devices allow for more accurate incisions.

The rise of technology doesn’t necessarily translate to the decline of books and other old-school tools such as projectors and slides, as some traditionalists are anticipating. Libraries remain the main bastion of reliable information. And while a few teachers and professors may be afraid of losing their jobs to robots in the future, their experience could not be replaced by the mechanical capabilities of robots.

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Technology, despite its ubiquity and importance, should be viewed only as a tool – the best tool for education today.

Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries with a strong background in residential and commercial real estate investment. He’s also into marathons, education, and technology. 

A Few More Tips For Real Estate Success

Being a real estate agent is easy but being a successful real estate agent is something else entirely. A lot of real estate agents who’ve completed the license exam quit before their first year on the job. Many of those who quit do so because of disappointment and heartbreak. However, there are a few ways to increase the chances of success for new agents. Below are some of them.

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First, agents should have a plan. A lot of new agents don’t know what to do after passing the licensure exam. Agents should look past the exam and do their research on the community they plan to work in. It saves time, and after the exam, agents hit the ground running.

Doing research and planning leads to a solid decision on who the target market will be. Knowing who to sell to can save an agent a lot of time and effort. Agents should focus on that and their niche – the kinds of properties they plan to sell at first. Without a target market and a niche can wear an agent down, with the industry being a dog-eat-dog scenario.

Finally, new agents should start meeting people as soon as possible. Building a network early creates all sorts of opportunities in the years to come. Each calling card given is a potential seed waiting to become a plant someday.

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Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries with a strong background in residential and commercial real estate investment. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and technology.