Category Archives: Real Estate Investment

Steven Rindner: How to Improve Your Mountain Bike Skills

Steven Rindner on Adding Confidence to Your Shredding

Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve been riding for years, there will be areas of your riding where you feel less confident in your ability. As enthusiasts like Steven Rindner can attest, cornering, jumps, and technical descents are all common weaknesses for mountain bikers.

Rather than accepting these weaknesses as a fact, you can easily work on these flaws with mountain bike skill drills. By developing – rather than tolerating – your mountain bike weaknesses, you will see significant improvements in your riding, which is incredibly rewarding.

Here are some areas you can work on to maximize your ride.


Bikers always say that jumps are for show and corners are for dough. If you want to improve your average speed down the track, the corners are the sections that will really make the difference. For bikers like Steven Rindner, staying off the brakes through the corner for faster exit speed is crucial, and making sure your body position is right with a good setup to look through the corner will help you flow smoothly through every turn.

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Technical downhills

Technical sections are essential to race run success, and some areas will benefit riders of all abilities. Experienced riders like Steven Rindner note that you should mainly focus on knowing the section you are riding— which means riding it numerous times and even walking it to inspect the lines and visualize your ride. If you ride it once and it isn’t easy, don’t just move on, but find out why. You may have chosen a poor line through it, which you can easily avoid next time.


A jumpline is an area of a trail that can cause the most excitement and fear simultaneously. From a tabletop jump to a man-made double, you can come across a wide variety of jumps. For Steven Rindner and most experienced riders, small jumps are not a problem, but large jumps with bigger gaps between take-off and landing will cause avoidance and mental blocks.

Issues typically occur when smaller jumps are cleared with excess speed and poor technique, as this can build confidence to clear larger jumps, where poor technique will, unfortunately, be punished.

Follow this Steven Rindner page. for more tips and essential readings on mountain biking.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Real Estate Business

Real estate managers and agents are driven by attracting more clients. Especially in this digital age, which won’t happen unless they communicate with prospects online.

This quest for new customers should be take place on social media, where over 81 percent of Americans nowadays have established profiles.

One key marketing tip for those in the industry is to maximize their social media presence and create profiles and pages on multiple channels. Being on Facebook and Twitter is insufficient.

To expand their reach, agents must establish their company’s presence on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, etc. The future market should form various demographics and be distributed across social media platforms, not just one.

This is a job that cannot be rushed; two or three platforms can be developed at a time, with content slowly diffused on others.

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Once the page has been established, the strategy must be continually improved. It’s not just about creating hashtags, but asking questions like: what will you post that day? How often?

Who is the target market for a given post? In this sense, creating well-written blog content for a varied audience would help immensely, which you would then link to your social media pages.

Make effective use of visuals. A block of text isn’t as attractive to read without images. You could consider hiring your own professional photographer for great shots of the properties you’re selling.

Again, eye-candy add-ons go a long way in attracting customers. In line with this, go the extra mile and complement your stunning photos with occasional videos, where you can, for example, talk about tips and insights on how to buy homes or how to select the best property based on one’s budget.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into social media, modern technology, and online marketing.  

Starting Line: How to Know if You’re Ready for a Marathon

Getting ready for a marathon takes a long time. You need to craft your body through rigorous exercises, a strict diet, and pushing your limits further and further down the road. Eventually, you will be ready for a half, or even a full marathon. But you might have reservations or doubts about your capabilities, here are some signs that let you know that you are ready for a marathon.

You’re consistent with your training

You’ve become quite comfortable with the idea of running 3 times a week, and your diet no longer bothers you. You look forward to running and making sure you go past your limits. When you’ve reached the level of consistency that allows you to run 30 minutes or more thrice a week for four months, then you are ready for your first marathon.

You are comfortable running in the aerobic zone

Finding the right pace and being comfortable at that pace is key to a marathon. Unlike races of shorter distances, your pace determines whether you can last for an entire marathon. One clever way of knowing if your pace matches the aerobic zone is when you can talk complete sentences comfortably while running. This pace allows you to last longer and puts the least amount of strain on your body.

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Mixing it up becomes second nature to you

During marathon training, you’ll train in different tempos. In a practice run, you’ll do easy runs, long runs, tempo runs, and speed runs. If you can switch from one to another without much burden on your body, you can now focus on the distance of those runs.

Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries. He’s a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and interior design.

Growing a Network for Business

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One of the most important aspects of any business is its network. Building that network takes a lot of skill. It doesn’t take much money to build a business network, however, when done correctly, it could be one of the most effective marketing techniques.

Here are some tips from business experts on growing a network.

· People who are trying to grow their network should be honest and truthful. Other people would naturally trust those who lay it all on the table.

· When trying to build a business network, entrepreneurs shouldn’t join just any group. There are thousands of groups out there. Joining the wrong one is a waste of time. Instead, entrepreneurs should move toward a group of like-minded individuals willing to help each other.

· If people who are building their network join an online group and are asked to hold a position such as a leader, sponsor, or administrator, they should jump at this opportunity. A position in an organization allows people with businesses more access to other individuals. What’s more, there’s an automatic trust that develops for a person in position.

· Amid growing a network, businesses may receive referrals and leads from friends and acquaintances of the company. Follow up on the referral and keep the sources aware. Be appreciative.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, architecture, and mental health.

What are the Hardest Marathons in the World?

Nothing pushes the limits of a person than a marathon. It takes months of training just to prepare for such an event, and conditions during the race can be brutal. Some people run marathons for the thrill, while others seek to accomplish what very few can do so. Among the many marathons held every year, there are those who are insanely difficult. Here are some of the hardest marathons in the world.

Badwater Ultramarathon

Considered to be the toughest footrace on earth, Badwater is a grueling 135 stretch that passes through Death Valley and is held in the summer. It covers three mountain ranges, which total 14,600 feet of cumulative ascent and 6,100 feet of collective descent. To enter this ultramarathon, runners need to complete the Badwater Salton Sea race, an 81-mile non-stop running that begins below sea level and ends at the top of the Palomar Mountain.

Jungle Ultra

Not everyone can run 142.6 miles on the road. And even less can do so in the Peruvian jungle. The race features some of the harshest racing conditions such as 100 percent humidity, elevation changes of up to 9,000 feet, and about 70 river crossings altogether. However, the race does preview rare sights like indigenous villages, incredible scenery, and wildlife.

Marathon de Sables

Certain elements make specific ultramarathons difficult. For the Marathon des Sables, it’s all about running 156 miles through the Sahara Desert. Racers claim that the event was the equivalent of running five and a half marathons in five to six days, all done in 100-degree heat.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, mental health, and product design. 

The Shared Future of Technology and Classroom Education

In the 1980s, schools started offering computer classes in the DOS format. The following decade saw the introduction of windows into the curriculum. The 2000s saw the use of tablets in classrooms everywhere.

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Now more than ever, the future of classroom education seems irrevocably tied to technology. And that is perceived as an advantage. Technology has had a positive impact on the way people go about their everyday lives, not exempting how people study and learn. Technology has paved new worlds both educators and students can explore. But this is just the beginning.

The development of virtual and augmented reality could introduce the possibility of students experiencing simulations of processes and events–-such as atomic reactions or sailing through the eye of a storm—previously thought non-replicable.

Students performing delicate surgical procedures in medical schools will also benefit heavily from technology, as new tools and devices allow for more accurate incisions.

The rise of technology doesn’t necessarily translate to the decline of books and other old-school tools such as projectors and slides, as some traditionalists are anticipating. Libraries remain the main bastion of reliable information. And while a few teachers and professors may be afraid of losing their jobs to robots in the future, their experience could not be replaced by the mechanical capabilities of robots.

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Technology, despite its ubiquity and importance, should be viewed only as a tool – the best tool for education today.

Steven Rindner has served in various companies across different industries with a strong background in residential and commercial real estate investment. He’s also into marathons, education, and technology. 

Watch Out for These Common Running Injuries

Even the strongest, fastest runners suffer from running injuries. Injuries usually happen when runners work too hard or without caution. But running injuries can be prevented. Here are some of the most common running injuries and ways how athletes can avoid them.

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Stress fracture

A stress fracture is a crack in the bone that causes discomfort or pain, often affecting the feet or shin. It happens when runners put too much pressure on their steps. For runners to prevent stress fracture, they must take enough time to rest. Continuous bone stress can lead to more injuries.

Achilles’ tendonitis

Achilles’ tendonitis is the inflammation of the large tendon (Achilles’ tendon) that attaches the calf to the back of the heel. Repetitive pain or stress usually causes this injury in the tendon area. Tight calf muscles are also to blame for this kind of injury. Runners can treat the area by doing calf stretches and icing the area.

Hamstring injuries

Hamstring injuries happen when the leg muscles are weak. People who are flexible such as athletes and dancers are at risk of such injury due to their stretched-out muscles. Those who have muscular imbalance are also candidates for hamstring injuries. Some runners must rest for weeks and even months before participating in long-distance marathons. A deep tissue massage can help runners recover from hamstring injuries.

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A lot of runners think that foot blisters are normal after every marathon. Blisters can affect one’s running performance, especially those who are running long distances. Blisters can be prevented by stopping at the first signs of a hot spot. Runners can put a gel bandage or a moleskin band around the area.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, entrepreneurship, and social media.

The Price of Loyalty: Secrets of Higher Employee Retention

In earlier generations, workers stayed for years, decades even, serving a single company or industry. Baby boomers and Gen X-ers were able to raise their children, buy a home, and prepare for retirement with their chosen company and careers. Switching jobs was something not a lot of them did in their lifetime.

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Young talents in the workforce have different expectations. They want to work while gaining experience in various jobs to make them “bankable” individuals. It is also easier for them to switch careers because of what other companies offer. With these things in mind, how can business leaders ensure that their company retains their top-performing young talents? Here are things business leaders should value to reduce employee turnover.

Provide competitive and fair compensation

The main reason employees stay is because of their income from a job they perform. They want to be paid based on the value of work they do. However, when they find out that their coworker, who happens to work and perform less, gets a higher paycheck, they feel that their service is of lesser value. When they get the pay, they think they deserve, they stay longer.

Offer perks

Employees stay when companies value their life out of work. Aside from having bonuses, retirement funds, and paid vacation leaves, employees stay more when they are given the liberty to work when they can (i.e., flextime). They also stay when they are offered free meals or when they can reimburse their commute or travel expenses. Company leaders must understand what motivates their employees to work and stay at work.

Give them continuous skills training

Young professionals want more from their employers. They will stay in a place where they get paid and learn new things. Promotions and salary increase aside, they want to hone their skills so they can serve their company better. This can be in the form of mentoring, leadership training, and workshops.

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Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, entrepreneurship, and interior design.

Breathing Techniques for the New Runner

Practice deep or diaphragmatic breathing

Many people feel that breathing through their chests or upper bodies is good enough. While shallow breathing can be helpful at times, it can exhaust the upper chest and lungs. Practicing deep or diaphragmatic breathing prevents dizziness and nausea. It can also help the runner take in the appropriate amount of oxygen.

Learn breathing through the nose

Breathing through the nose helps runners breathe deeply and efficiently. People who run in cooler temperatures could experience dry air that can lead to asthma-like symptoms (coughing and wheezing). The human lungs work best with moist air and breathing through the nose makes it possible to take in the moist air. It also filters out air impurities.

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Match breathing to steps

Think of breathing and running as a dancing routine. Tempo and timing are important in breathing and running. For easy-paced jogs, try inhaling for three to four steps, and exhaling in the same number of steps. For intense runs, try breathing in for one to two steps, and exhaling at the same pace.

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into marathons, social media, and health care. 

The Impact of Running on the Female Body

Running is a good exercise. It gives people stronger bones and lessens the risk of cancer. Studies even show that running reduces stress, thus making people happier. If you are a runner, these facts may be enough for you to continue running. But if you’re a female runner, there’s more to know on how running’s effect on your body than the abovementioned. The facts below are for you.

Running affects your body differently than how it affects a man’s body. First off, you have estrogen, and this is the greatest difference between you and your male counterpart. Estrogen is the hormone that helps not only in metabolism but also in the absorption of calcium into the bones. Women can intensify their workout or running pace when their estrogen level is high, which happens when the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland rise as it releases the egg from the follicle preparing for pregnancy.

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However, if you can do high-intensity workouts when your estrogen level is high, you must know how running can affect your menstrual cycle and estrogen levels, too. Running may result in irregular or absent menstruation. When this happens, the estrogen level becomes low, thus, causing lower bone density. Stress fracture may occur because of this, but to prevent this, you can take vitamin D and calcium.

Discharge when running is normal, as well as urinary leakage. According to research, the body movement when running causes intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to the uterus being pressed into the bladder and urethra that results in the leak.

Another thing that running does to a female’s body is that it may increase the risk of yeast infections. Sweat and discharge may cause your natural vaginal yeast to multiply, which can result in infections, discomfort, and severe itching. It’s recommended to wear synthetic garment because cotton and fiber cloths tend to moist more.

For pregnant women who are runners or who might be thinking of running, it must be noted that the activity is considered healthy during the first two trimesters. It helps in reducing nausea, heartburn, and leg cramps, as well as reducing risks of preeclampsia, hypertension, and gestational diabetes. However, pregnant women must avoid running if they are experiencing recurring bleeding and other heart and lungs complications.

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Lastly, running affects women’s breasts. Breasts, big or small, endure a huge amount of force when running. The movement affects the breasts’ tissue. Thus, women must wear a bra with excellent support and fit, including molded and padded cups, underwire, and multiple hooks for easy adjustment.

These are just some things that you ought to know about. However, do not make these as excuses for you to stop doing what you love. Go, run!

Steven Rindner is a real estate investor with experience in residential and commercial real estate. He’s also into sports, mental health and entrepreneurship.